We decided Saturday was a day to do something together, something educational, something that explored the world around us. We get so wrapped up in the everyday schedule of going to school, going to work, getting to after-school activities, finding something for dinner, doing laundry - all those mundane things - that we forget do to fun things.
So, Mr. Science Teacher Husband took us to Rocky Reach Dam along the Columbia River north of Wenatchee. Rocky Reach Dam has a great museum and hands-on displays for the kids.
The kids induldged me and let me take this photo of them next to a turbine near the picnic center. Apparently this is one of the old turbines that has been replaced with newly designed turbines.
This is the view when standing on the dam, looking south toward Wenatchee.
After a couple hours of exploring the dam, Keeli started demanding "FRENCH FRIES." So, off to lunch we went.