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Monday, January 29, 2007

Weekend gamers

Nana and Bailey recently visited. There were board games, video games, word games, all sorts of games for the weekend. Everyone had a great time.

Tatum and Nana had a rousing game of chutes and ladders on the kitchen table. Rolling the dice had to be done at arms length to keep Keeli from stealing it. There will have to be a rematch, as the day ended Tatum and Nana each recording a win.

Downstairs, Bailey and Rikard were wrestling with characters from Shrek and racing Corvettes. You could actually hear the two of them outside in the driveway! Rikard is a newbie to the video gaming world and Bailey had a great time teaching him to play.

To see how mom and I spent our Saturday learning new and exciting things, visit my other blog at: http://kalicokate.blogspot.com/

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