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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Is it spring yet?

Easter was weeks ago, right? And, isn't March supposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb? We are used to warm, sunny weekends in April. This was the scene outside our living room window for about 20 minutes Sunday morning and again for another 20 minutes Sunday afternoon. Those white streaks are hail stones.

The sky was dark and gray all day. The air was cold, not in the least inviting to enjoy outdoor activities.
The hail fell so heavily and for so long that it began piling up like snow. It left a frozen crust on the windows and surfaces of our vehicles. It pounded out an angry noise on the patio roof.
Hopefully, we will see some clear blue skies and warmer weather soon.


Lori said...

I so hear you on this so-called spring that we are having. We had hail yesterday and there is snow in the forecast today! Last year at this time I was in shorts washing the porch! I'm not a believer in global warming... fyi.

Noelle said...

Hmmmm... global climate change, anyone? Yuck. It's also one of the curses of the way-too-early Easter this year -- a never-ending winter! I shouldn't complain, though -- knock wood, but it seems like a real bonafide spring here in Minnesota. Finally! It was 70 and sunny yesterday, after a big snow only a couple weeks ago. Crazy times!