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Friday, December 08, 2006

A December to Remember

Tatum performed with her 2nd grade classmates in "A December to Remember" Friday afternoon.

Her class performed the final two songs of the hour long performance. Maybe her cousin Madison will notice a familiar little black dress in the photos.

The 2nd graders sang Santa Claus is on His Way and Nice, Nice Christmas.

The stage behind the performers is decorated with paintings by the 4th and 5th graders. The paintings must follow the theme of the program. Here are pictures of some of the more interesting works of art:

The 3rd graders sang a song titled: Hot Chocolate.

It was hot, hot, hot...chocolate. Ho! Ho! Ho! The steam coming off the chocolate is very realistic, but what caught my eye was the way the marshmallows line up so perfectly inside the plastic bag.

Tatum's class sang the closing number, titled Nice, Nice Christmas. Isn't the fire in the hearth inviting?

The little 1st graders sang Decorate the Tree. Isn't it classic the way the ornaments only hang from the tips of the tree branches! And, are the snowflakes welcoming Christmas day or stars twinkling in the night in the background?


3anklebiters said...

Kate, I so enjoy this....the kids are growing so
fast...fun to watch them grow...by doing this we can
share of part of what they do...impossible to be
everywhere....I have over 30 nieces and nephews and
getting close to 25 great nieces and newphews on both
sides of the family..I am going to tell them all about
this special blog you do....If we don't see
you...You'all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year...Love Rob and Con

3anklebiters said...

Thanks Kate for the updates. I really enjoyed them. Sorry I couldn't come and watch the Christmas programs... Looking forward to coming for Christmas.
