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Monday, October 13, 2008

Nesting Instincts

As the weather turns cooler (much cooler, much cooler than we are used to) and the days grow shorter the kids are finding new ways to entertain themselves. Over the weekend they built what appeared to be a nest of pine needles.
Little did we adults know it was really a form for the snow to fall on to make an instant igloo for snowball fights!
After all the fun was had, 11 large leaf bags of the needles were carted off to the composter.
While the kids were outside, I whipped up another pot of butternut squash soup. This is quick and simple, has great flavor and low calories.
Just halve, clean and peel the squash. Set to simmer in small chunks with one chopped medium to large onion and white pepper. Black pepper is fine, but it leaves dark flecks in the soup and some little people at this house don't like these.
Simmer until squash is the consistency of potatoes ready for mashing. Blend all ingredients together including the water. Add a 1/2 cup of cream, mix well and heat through. Serve. Yummy!


Growth in God said...

Your kids are so much like mine. Always finding a way to have fun and make something neat. Mine are in the middle of making a fort with leaves, tree limbs and up against a fence for the one wall. LOL
Love your recipe, will have to give it a try. Comfort foods are the best!

The Tin House said...

Kate, I make this all through winter - with the addition of a chunk of fresh ginger (dried would be fine too), and I also add some cumin when I'm frying off the onions. Sour cream also works really beautifully with this. Scrumptious.